Programme: Interreg V-A Slovenia – Croatia 2014-2020
The idea for the project In cultura veritas emerged as a result of recognizing mutual need for cultural tourism revival in the cross-border area between Croatia and Slovenia. During the project preparation, in the cross-border area between Zagreb county (Croatia) and sub-regions of Obsotelje and Kozjansko (Slovenia) around 80 cultural heritage objects were identified along nearly 200 kilometers of wine roads. Wine tradition is an important element of this area’s culture while objects and customs in relation to wine production represent common part of the local museums’ exhibitions.
The main project goal is to increase attractiveness, number of visitors and protection of cultural heritage as well as to boost economic activity of local producers through development of sustainable cross-border touristic destination, capacity building of local stakeholders and promotion. Zagreb County and Obsotelje and Kozjansko are regions rich in cultural heritage, oenological tradition and wine routes. However, heritage sites and wine routes have little visitors and do not generate enough income which leads to decrease in economic activity, loss of local identity and deterioration of valuable cultural heritage. Reason for that is lack of offer and cooperation, which will be dealt with in this project. Identified challenges will be tackled primarily through development and promotion of innovative touristic destination which will connect the cultural heritage with wine roads by connecting services and offers from both sectors and their integration (exwine exhibits at museums, tastings in cultural heritage facilities). The new destination will be developed through consultations with stakeholders in the area to obtain realistic and applicable solutions, and ensure sustainability. In order to fully develop the destination partners will invest in attractive, modern technology based visitor infrastructure on selected heritage sites, develop visitors monitoring system and educate stakeholders, in order to strengthen their capacities for active participation thus ensuring a bottom-up approach in the presentation and sales of the offer and its sustainability. Finally, by digitizing the entire product and its overall promotion they will ensure good visibility and attract many visitors. The synergy of project results will ensure an attractive offer for visitors, an increased number of visitors on cultural heritage sites, as well as wine roads, which will lead to increase of revenues for all stakeholders, economic growth of the region and preservation of heritage.
The main objective of the project is to contribute to active protection of cultural heritage objects in the cross-border area by creating tourism destination that will in an inovative way merge cultural heritage objects and wine tradition.
The expected results of the project are aligned to the indicators of the Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Slovenia – Croatia 2014.-2020. and are related to:
- Increase in the number of visitors of the cultural heritage objects (museums),
- Strengthened capacities of the key stakeholders and
- Development of the new tourism destination and comprehensive promotional campaign.
The project is worth 1.003.317,00 euros.
Out of the total approved budget, 852.819,44 euros (85%) will be allocated from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) while the rest of 150.497,56 euros (15%) represents project partners’ financial contribution.
The budget will be spent during the 28-month long project duration (1 August 2018 – 30 November 2020).
Programme: Interreg V-A Slovenia – Croatia 2014-2020
Mutual cooperation on a project of a simialar thematics (OP SI-HR 2007-2013:RIDE&BIKE), created partner’s vision about smart integration of natural and cultural heritage, specially those dispersive elements of heritage (f.e. castle ruins, outside of tourist routes) worth seeing and ways of tourist travel (biking, riding a horse). New mutual challanges were detected and are related to unsuficient link of natural and cultural heritage,active tourism and disconnection of offer in rural areas. Therefore, the main goal of project RIDE&BIKE II is development of selective tourist products based interpretation of natural and cultural heritage through establisment of management system for development of active tourism. The key project result is to increase number of visitors in cross-border destination (for 3600 visitors), and direct project outcomes are: 1. organized cross-border offer defined through 2 tourist cross-border tourist products based smart integration of protected nature (NATURE 2000, other forms of nature protection) and cultural sites (old cities-registered heritage, castles; museums); 2. developed RIDE&BIKE standards with 10 standardized subjects of tourist offer (hospitality, accomodation); 3. developed awareness about importance and possibilities of tourist valorization of natural and cultural heritage and their smart integration of the active tourism offer. Cross-border approach is neccessary due to wholeness of specialized tourist offer that this unique destination can offer, and planned approach is focused on optimal use of ambient resources with respect of social-cultural authenticity of the destination and creation of long-term sustainable economic activities. Innovation of the project is manifested in creation of mutual cross-border tourist destination: cross-border specialized tourist products, mutual destination standard will be created, and an integral innovative promotion of the crossborder area will be implemented.
DURATION: 1. 9. 2018 – 28. 2. 2021
- Zagorska razvojna agencija (vodilni partner projekta),
- Turistička zajednica Krapinsko-zagorske županije,
- Turistička zajednica »Savsko-sutlanska dolina i brigi«,
- Razvojna agencija Kozjansko,
- Razvojna agencija Sotla and
- Javni zavod za kulturo, šport, turizem in mladinske dejavnosti Sevnica.
BUDGET: Total budget: 875.472,55 EUR, ESRR fund 744.151,66 EUR.
Traditional Settlements, Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development
Programe: Erasmus
Key Action: Cooperation for Innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Date: 2016-2018
Duration: 24 months
Partnership: Kentro Perivallontikis Ekpedefsis Filiaton (GR), Tudás Alapítvány (HU), ASPECT-Management and Intercultural Relations (BG), Shoqata Shqiptare e Ambientalisteve Industriale (AL), Instytut Rozwoju Sportu i Edukacji (PL), Razvojna agencija Sotla (SL), Associazione Paesaggi Connessi (IT), Comune di Petrosino (IT).
The rationale of this project is related with the fact that Traditional settlements in Greece consist an integrated part of the Greek tradition and heritage. Therefore their preservation, not as lifeless museum exhibits or as destroyed monuments, but as a dynamic part of the contemporary life is crucial for the regional development of the country yet.
By this meaning the project about the “Traditional Settlements” has firstly been implemented by the Centre for Environment Education of Filiates, in local-national level in order to reclaim and promote the Traditional Settlements of Thesprotia region.
The target groups involved will gain knowledge, experience and awareness on the subject, widening their professional challenges and gradually becoming defenders of the cultural wealth.
The transnational implementation of this project will enhance the exchange of knowledge, ideas and good practices for the adult education in activities which might be developed in the traditional settlements-villages, all over Europe, providing professional solutions to the relevant with this field jobs.
The objectives and targets set in European legislation are key drivers to improve the protection of the cultural heritage. Starting from the fact that culture is not static but it results as an output of mixing populations, the political evolutions wordwide and the issue of identities and differences, motivates us to reclaim tradition as an active factor in the procedure of the identity designation.
Programme: Operational Programme Slovenia-Austria 2007-2013
Project VINO COOL – wine, culture, cuisine will enrich and connect the tourist offer of the wine roads of the Slovene-Austrian cross-border area and make it even more attractive by promoting local particularities like klopotec (a windmill-like device used as a scarecrow in vineyards) and tradition, architectural interweaving of old and new, ecological wines and cuisine and the old grapevine, the oldest in the world.
In the project four tourist products will be created: Old Grapevine; Eco Wine – Bio Wine; Klopotec, Culture and Customs; Wine and Architecture, Health and Wellbeing, which will connect the project area into an integral unit.
Lead partner of the project is Maribor Tourist Board, partners in the project are: Weinland Steiermark, Development Information Centre Slovenska Bistrica, Development Agency of Prlekija, Maribor Development Agency, HALO – EDIL ING Commercial Association of Interest for Development of Entrepreneurship and Tourism and Development Agency Sotla.
Website of the project:
Development of Cross-border Wellness Destination through Connecting Countryside Tourism Products (WELLNESS 3+)
Programme: IPA Operational Programme Slovenia-Croatia 2007-2013
The project offers an opportunity for providers of tourism services in the countryside to gain new knowledge about possibilities for selling their products and services, an opportunity for higher added value, an opportunity for development of common balanced offer under recognisable brand, raising the recognisability of the cross-border area as a countryside wellness tourism destination. With the project we will ensure the flow of tourists and visitors in the entire area in connection with individual providers in the cross-border area.
We will preserve and bring new life to cultural and natural heritage, raise awareness of the local population and tourists about the importance of the attitude towards the environment, our heritage and the quality of living in the cross-border area.
The lead partner of the project is Development Agency Kozjansko, partner in the project are: Development Agency Sotla, LTO Rogla-Zreče, GIZ, Zagorje Development Agency and Krapina-Zagorje County.
Design of Common Cross-Border Standards – 48 Hours
Programme: IPA Operational Programme Slovenia-Croatia 2007-2013
With the project we wish to overcome the current state of the situation and problems of the individuals, interested public, investors and public subjects in the field of environment preservation. We wish for the area that borders to the Sotla River to be an example of the good environmental awareness and an example of good practice that can be also used by others in Slovenia and Croatia.
The lead partner of the project is Štore Municipality, partners in the project are: Podčetrtek Municipality, Development Agency Sotla, Institute for Environmental Research from Slovenske Konjice and Zagorska Sela Municipality.
Website of the project:
Centre for Lifelong Learning of the Savinjska Region
Programme: EU in Ministry of Education and Sport
The aim of the project is to set up entry points in the Savinjska Region to provide all inhabitants of the Savinjska Region, primarily women and individuals who have not finished their formal education, with quality information, counselling and access to new forms of learning with special emphasis on informal education.
The lead partner of the project is UPI Ljudska univerza Žalec, partners in the project are Ljudska univerza Rogaška Slatina, Ljudska univerza Celje, School Centre Slovenske Konjice – Zreče, General Library Žalec, Development Agency Savinja, Development Agency Sotla and RACIO – Company for Development of Human Potential.
Website of the project: